February 27, 2012

Honey, I'm home

After a few days of much needed rest I am back to blogging, back to reality, and back to normality. New York was incredible, I got to see such a beautiful place and I miss every second of it. I thought I'd give you a quick view of the lovely photos of myself(!) taken whilst I was away. None of which photo's are in order as some of them are not mine so it all seems a little jumbled to be honest.

Much Love
Lauren Michelle

February 18, 2012

We'll take Manhattan by storm

Travelling to a new place with a new hair colour as well, whilst I do love being back to my old self with dark brown and red hair I do feel slightly weird after being blonde for quite some time however it's wonderful to feel much more confident with one toned hair -even though my mum has managed to give my highlights where the dye hasn't quite covered all of the hair. I'll be sure to take many photos whilst in New York and hopefully grab some gorgeous new clothing! It's apparent my cat doesn't want me to go and spent a lot of this evening either sat on or inside my suitcase making packing extremely hard, I do love her though.

Much Love
Lauren Michelle

February 12, 2012

Sunday Portrait #12

01. It's been a while, well 2 months to be honest and I really have no excuse apart from the fact I am lazy and not had any motivation nor luck with lighting this winter. However, I am starting fresh next week with a change of hair colour, quite a big move from being blonde since the "start" of this blog so it'll be a bit of an adjustment after being this weird blonde colour for around half a year but I need a change.
02. I'm heading of to New York next week so I shall be taking my camera everywhere and just getting continuous snaps which I'll be uploading to my flickr for you, I'll make a small selection of instagram images from my favourites to go on here the weekend I'm back hopefully. I hope to find some cute jazzy outfits to add to my inspiration and such like because the weather is so bitter right now it's resulted to me turning to plain normal and boring outfits, although I shall be scouring ebay/the streets for cute new tops to add to my wardrobe. 
03. I've now got a dog, well he was my Grandma's but we've had to take him in as she's no longer in any state to look after him and he's just depressed which is unfair. He's such a lovely little thing and I'll expect they'll be some pictures uploaded soon as he doesn't stop following me when he's wide awake.

Much Love
Lauren Michelle