Tie dying must be one of everyone's favourite childhood activity's, creating these amazing complicated patterns with multitudes of coloured dye never ceases to amaze a six year old -or in this case a 16 year old.
Tie dye is amazing, the patterns, colours, creations and everything that comes out of the process. What isn't to love? Topshop brought out several pairs of tie dye leggings this summer and I was desperate for a pair yet never had the money to purchase such items, they were the latest craze and being part of it would have been amazing. However, recently after re-making friends with Jennie -a girl who was also once obsessed with tie dye and very good at it- we came to the conclusion we could make our leggings, t-shirts and god knows what else we'd go to.
It sounds simple enough, white leggings, tie dye and a good friend at your side to guide you along right? Also a lot cheaper than what Topshop's asking price was ; saying this I am wanting the purple velvet tie dye. It doesn't sound like a hassle at all, they won't be nearly as elegant or perfect but creativity and having something which is your own creation just seems so much more appealing. Along with this, you can create whatever colours, patterns and styles you want which is amazing.
Basically, here are the main inspirations I'll be using for creating my leggings. Although the blue is gorgeous I think I'll find myself siding on pinks side because I like the idea of pastels mixing with pop colours and pink is such a perfect example of this. I may make this a DIY post when I come round to doing it, or I may just leave it and reveal the final product in an outfit post once.
What's your view on tie dye?
Much Love
Lauren Michelle